Join Kintbury Tennis Club. We welcome players of any standard.

You can join our club by completing the form below, or if you prefer, you can request a paper copy to print out, and complete it by hand and post it to us with your payment.

All information provided on this form will be retained by the club for the purposes of contacting members with information relating to club matters.

By completing this form you acknowledge that we can use the information for this purpose, and you and any family members agree to follow the rules of the club, and to accept the code of conduct for parents. Your data will not be shared with any other party, but if you so wish, we can sign you up to British Tennis Membership for free. See shaded part of section 3 below.
Subscriptions for this season have been agreed by the AGM.

If you were a member last year there is NO NEED TO USE THIS FORM TO REJOIN unless your contact details have changed. Just advise the membership secretary of your intentions and pay your subs

Membership runs from May 1st, 2024 to April 30th, 2025. At this time of year, membership for the period from now until the start of the new season is available at half price.

1. Please complete all details for all the people joining on this membership.

If a child is joining in their own right (i.e. not as part of a family membership), please join him/her as the main member and complete a separate form for each child. Please be sure to provide contact details for a guardian/carer and also date of birth info.

Membership type:

Your Name: Date of birth if child or senior

Name of guardian if main member is a child:
Add the name of anyone else joining as your partner : To join an ADULT other than your partner, please complete a new form.

Your Address:

Home phone Work phone Mobile phone

Your Email: Can we contact you by email?

We'll explain how to pay your subscriptions after you've completed the form.
Please enter your subscription amount here : £
When it comes to making your payment, please consider adding a little extra to our development fund. You can indicate here how much you are willing to add : £

2. If the person joining as the main member is under 21 years old, or if any other children are joining on this membership as part of a family group, click here.

3. The following section is voluntary, but we'd appreciate your answers.

Please answer on behalf of all people applying for membership.

Are any of you members of British Tennis?

If you are interested in British Tennis Membership click here. Don't worry, it's free!

4. The following section is also voluntary, but we'd appreciate your answers.

Please answer on behalf of the main person applying for membership.

Kintbury Tennis Club has informal open club sessions on Saturday & Sunday morning/afternoons.
If you are interested in club sessions please let us know so we can keep you informed of developments.

How would you describe your play?
Are you interested in private or group coaching sessions ?
If yes, when would coaching suit you?
Are you interested in Team play?
What kind of team play do you want?
Are you interested in non-tennis social events?
When it comes to social events, can we ask you to help with any of the following?
Can you support your club by joining committee?

Please enter the above code
I consent to my data being held on the Kintbury Tennis Club database. All data will only be used for KTC purposes
Click buttons below to send form to club and to choose your payment option